Three Interrelated Articles on The Crucial Issue of Health Literacy

Lon'Tejuana Cooper, Martha Perryman, Patrick Rivers


Part I: Professional Allied Health Student Characteristics that Influence Health Literacy Awareness

Part II: The Effects of Online Health Literacy Focused Training on Professional Allied Health Students’ Knowledge of Health Literacy

Part III: The Effects of Frequency of Interaction with Healthcare Providers on Health Literacy Awareness Levels for Professional Level Allied Health Students

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Devraj, R., Butler M., Gupchup, V., & Poirer , I. (2010). Active learning strategies to develop health literacy knowledge and skills. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 74 (8), 137.

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Mackert, M., Ball, J., Lopez, J. (2011). Health literacy awareness training for healthcare workers: Improving knowledge and intentions to use clear communication techniques. Patient Education and Counseling, 85 e225-e228.

Nielsen- Bohlman, L., Panzer M., Kindig, A. (2004). Health literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Ratzan S., Parker R. (2000). Introduction In: National Library of Medicine Current Bibliographies in Medicine. Health Literacy. Selden C., Zorn M., Ratzan S., Parker R., Editors. NLM pub. No. CBM 200-1. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Sand-Jecklin, K., Murray, B., Summers, B., Watson, J. (2010). Educating Nursing Students about Health Literacy: From the Classroom to the Patient Bedside. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(3).

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Devraj, R., Butler M., Gupchup, V., & Poirer , I. (2010). Active learning strategies to develop health literacy knowledge and skills. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 74 (8), 137.

Knight, G. (2011). An evaluation of the health literacy knowledge and experience of registered nurses in Georgia. (Doctoral dissertation) Retrieved from

Nielsen- Bohlman, L., Panzer M., Kindig, A. (2004). Health literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Ratzan S., Parker R. (2000). Introduction In: National Library of Medicine Current Bibliographies in Medicine. Health Literacy. Selden C., Zorn M., Ratzan S., Parker R., Editors. NLM pub. No. CBM 200-1. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Sand-Jecklin, K., Murray, B., Summers, B., Watson, J. (2010). Educating Nursing Students about Health Literacy: From the Classroom to the Patient Bedside. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(3).


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