Vol. 44, No. 3, WINTER 2018

Table of Contents


Changes in Hospital Uncompensated Care Following the Texas Medicaid Waiver Implementation PDF
Lee Revere, PhD, John Large, PhD, Barbara Langland-Orban, PhD, Hanze Zhang, MSPH, Rigoberto Delgado, PhD, Tochi Amadi, MS
Predictors of Hospital Profitability: A Panel Study Including the Early Years of the ACA PDF
Michael Rosko, Ph.D., John Goddard, Ph.D., Mona Al-Amin, Ph.D., Manouche Tavakoli, Ph.D.
COMMENTARY Not-for-Profit Tax-Exempt Hospitals: Is it Time to Start Paying Taxes? PDF
Barbara Yasmin Lodge, MJ
Cost of Practice Transformation in Primary Care: Joining an Accountable Care Organization PDF
Richard Hofler, Ph.D., Judith Ortiz, Ph.D., Brian Cote, B.S.
Innovative Treatment Models for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care PDF
Anne M. Murphy, Esq., Jared L. Shwartz, Esq.
Analysis of Structure and Cost in a Longitudinal Study of Alzheimer’s Disease PDF
Gokul Prabhakaran, Rajbir Bakshi, M.D.