Michael D. Robinson


When it comes to providing healthcare services to its citizenry, the United States lags behind other first-world nations. The U.S. is ranked 43rd in life expectancy when compared against all the other countries of the world.i Our diets and lifestyles play a significant role in our health as a nation, but our healthcare system also plays a major part. Unlike other first-world nations, the
U.S. does not have a universal healthcare system that pays for and provides access to healthcare for its citizens. Instead, we have a patch-work of private insurers and federally-funded singlepayers all competing in the same market. This paper examines national healthcare systems around the world, addresses how U.S. healthcare providers are currently coping with the present situation, and then offers up a solution for our healthcare access and cost problems.

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The World Factbook, Country Comparison: Life Expectancy at Birth, Cent. Intelligence Agency, (2015),


ii The NHS in England: The NHS: About the National Health Service (NHS), NHS Choices, (Jul. 1, 2015),


iii Id.

iv Id.

v Id.

vi Atlas, Scott W., Happy Birthday to Great Britain’s Increasingly Scandalous National Health Service, Forbes, (Jul.

2013), http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottatlas/2013/07/05/happy-birthday-to-great-britains-increasinglyscandalous-


vii Id.

viii Id.

ix Barker, Vicki, Overcrowded Hospitals Overwhelm U.K.'s National Health Service, Nat’l Pub. Radio,


x Id.

xi The French Health Care System - La Sécurité Sociale, About-France, (N.D.), http://about-france.com/healthcare.


xii Id.

xiii Id.

xiv Taylor, Adam, Yes, The US Could Probably Learn A Lot From The French Health Care System, Bus. Insider,

(Jul. 2, 2012), http://www.businessinsider.com/french-healthcare-system-2012-7.

xv Id.

xvi Healthcare in Japan, Allianz Worldwide Care, (N.D.) http://www.allianzworldwidecare.com/healthcare-in-japan.

xvii Id.

xviii Id.

xix Japanese Healthcare System: Health Insurance System and Medical Fee, Japanese Nursing Ass’n, (2008),


xx Health Care in Japan: Not all Smiles, The Economist, (Sep. 10, 2011),


xxi Id.

xxii Nomura, Hideki, The Japanese Healthcare System, BMJ, (Sep. 24, 2005),


xxiii Id.

xxiv Harrah, Scott, Health Care Around the World: Taiwan & Its ‘World’s Best’ Medical System, Health Care around

the World: Itn’l Med.: Med. in the News: UMHS News, (Nov. 12, 2014), https://www.umhs-sk.org/blog/healthcare-


xxv Id.

xxvi Id.

xxvii Id.

xxviii Id.

xxix Wu, Tai-Yin, Majeed, Azeem, Kuo, Ken N., An Overview of the Healthcare System in Taiwan, London J. Prim.

Care: 3(2), (Dec. 2010), 115-119, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3960712/.

xxx Id.

xxxi Id.

xxxii Id.

xxxiii Id.

xxxiv Id.

xxxv Introduction, Canadian Health Care, (2007), http://www.canadian-healthcare.org/.

xxxvi Id.

xxxvii Id.

xxxviii Clemens, Jason, Barua, Bacchus, If Universal Health Care Is The Goal, Don't Copy Canada, Forbes, (Jun. 13,

, http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2014/06/13/if-universal-health-care-is-the-goal-dont-copycanada/.

xxxix Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Health Care Systems, The Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Research, (2007),


xl Dirk Perrefort, Hospital Consolidations a Growing Trend in State, Fairfield Cty. Bus. J., Vol. 51 Issue 6, 5, 5

(Feb. 2015).

xli Id.

xlii Id.

xliii Saint Alphonsus Med. Ctr.-Nampa Inc. v. St. Luke's Health Sys., Ltd., 778 F.3d 775, 781 (9th Cir. 2015).

xliv Id.

xlv Id. at 782.

xlvi Id. at 793.

xlvii See, e.g., Susan S. VanBeuge & Tomas Walker, Full Practice Authority-Effecting Change and Improving Access

to Care: The Nevada Journey, J. of the Am. Ass’n of Nurse Prac., Vol. 26 Issue 6, 309, 310 (Jun. 2014) and Tanya

Wanchek, Dental Hygiene Regulation and Access to Oral Healthcare: Assessing the Variation across the US States

British Journal of Industrial Relations Dental Hygiene Regulation and Access to Oral Healthcare, Brit. J. of Indus.

Rel., Vol. 48 Issue 4, 706, 706 (Dec. 2010).

xlviii Id.

xlix H.R. 676, 114th Cong. (2015).

l Id. at 1.

li Id. at 3.

lii Id.

liii Id. at 5.

liv Id. at 6.

lv Id. at 9.

lvi Id. at 14.

lvii Id. at 19.

lviii Id. at 20.

lix Id. at 6.

lx Id.

lxi Id. at 12.

lxii Id. at 14.

lxiii Id.

lxiv Id. at 25.

lxv Id. at 16.

lxvi Id. at 17.

Robinson, Michael D.

lxvii Id.

lxviii Id.

lxix Id. at 18.

lxx Id. at 29.

lxxi Id.

lxxii Almberg, Mark, Doctors Group Hails Reintroduction of Medicare-for-All Bill, Physicians for a Nat’l Health

Prog., (Feb. 4, 2015), http://www.pnhp.org/news/2015/february/doctors-group-hails-reintroduction-of-medicare-forall-


lxxiii Id.

lxxiv Id.

lxxv Id.

lxxvi Id.

lxxvii Id. at 24.

lxxviii Health, Org. for Econ. Co-Operation and Dev., (2015), http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/topics/health/.


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