Simplifying Physician Licensing Across State Lines Will Promote the Expansion of Affordable Healthcare Delivered via Telemedicine

Joyce Vollmer


Technological advances in health information technology and communication modalities such as video-conferencing have made possible the remote diagnosis, treatment and management of medical conditions.  Promoting widespread use of “telemedicine” involves better defining what this encompasses within the practice of medicine, thereby allowing for special licensing of practitioners seeking to engage with patients across state lines.  The Veterans Administration, Medicare and Medicaid have already developed telehealth programs in order to expand and afford coverage in gap areas.  The federal government is now best positioned to develop telemedicine licensure guidelines and standardize the process for interstate commerce.  Congress has ultimate power to control commerce, as granted by the Constitution, irrespective of the size or volume of the market in question.  As a result, physician licensure for telemedicine should be enabled and administered by the federal government, thereby simplifying physician licensing across state lines and, in turn, promoting the expansion of affordable healthcare delivered via telemedicine.

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